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    Time limits urged for question time answers

    The decision to ask questions and put to an answer after Question Period is part of the parliamentary process. The Liberal Leader says it is what voters expect of the party.

    The Liberals held Question Period after the Oct. 19 election.

    This time last year, Liberal MPs stood outside with quesapronxtions in hand. They are not required to ask questions.

    “We did this again earlier today to get members into their caucus in time,” Trudeau told reporters at the Conservative Party of Canada headquarters Thursday morning.

    “Our first step was to take questions from the caucus outside, to allow members to get their ques카지노 사이트tions answered.”

    Asked whether he would allow MPs to use their allotted time before Question Period, Mulcair said no.

    “We should give people that space because we do want them to get that information to the people they want to get that information,” he said.

    Conservative whip Andrew Scheer said he was aware of the Liberal decision.

    “I don’t think that’s a question he should have taken,” Scheer told reporters. “You get these things done when you do it properly.”

    “If people want to question the Liberal MP, that’s fine — question him at length. In the end they are going to get their answers,” he said.

    Mulcair said the party will continue to look to other options.

    “What we need to do is to get out as many questions as we can as quickly as possible,” he said.

    In 2011, the Liberals held Question Period at Parliament Hill for nearly seven months. There were 11 questions before the floor for the full Parliament.

    Before Question Period began, the party had sent 10,000 questionnaires to people across Canada to see which ideas would unite Canadians around the Liberals and other maj카지노 사이트or parties.

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