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    Lack of funds holds up png investigation into “Hijackers”

    The Wall Street Journal had a major article on this recently, based on a series of anonymous sources with contacts at the National Security Agency. They report how the FBI and DHS (the Departments of Defense, Homeland Security, and Justice) were doing nothing to stop a series of hijackers flying from 9/11 onto buildings around the country. They also report how the government’s own analysts “were woefully unprepared” to investigate a number of the hijackers. [Sgospelhitzee “Hijackers: The Latest and Greatest in the Fight Against Terrorism.” (Wash. Post, December 16, 2001)].

    In the midst of these revelations about the state of their investigations, on December 15th, the Wall Street Journal reported the following: “U.S. intelligence agencies still don’t understand the hijackers’ planned attacks, but have concluded some may have been inspired by radical Islam. The United States had the potential to track them down — but found they did not appear to be terrorists. That revelation came after a report on Wednesday about the lack of progress in tracking those who flew onto two towers in New York on 9/11.”

    So now we have a paper by two U.S. officials and an anonymous source that is a direct quote. There were two sources here and another source in the Middle East, and they wrote it. We’re supposed to believe that they weren’t right and they should do better. (I’d be interested to see more, but I just don’t think it makes sense that these reports were written by two senior U.S. intelligence officials with close relationships to their 바카라counterparts in the Middle East.)

    There are also several things about this report that I find wrong:

    T더킹카지노he word “militia” is never mentioned. The word “Islamic” does not appear at all. The word “terrorist” is never used. It’s only used in the plural. Finally, the word “Muslim” is not ever said either. “Muslims” is just described as a “majority.” But they’re going to use words like “infidels,” “atheists,” and “demos.”

    So it appears they’re working on creating an entire category of Muslims, where they can use “Islamophobic” or “Islamophiliac” or “extremists” to describe us and all Americans and our country. Now that is exactly what Islamophobes want. They want to create an entire group of people. There are going to be Musli

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