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    Chinese investment extended interview for a few hours before the event resumed. During the time, he discussed the financial problems and problems at the state-owned Chinese bank, China Construction Bank (CCB).

    One of the issues that came up during the two-minute, one-sentence interview is how to reduce China’s public debt. In his speech, he said that he believed that the solution to China’s debt problem would be more private sector investment. But in his o카지노 사이트pinion, the country’s debt level doesn’t need to go as high as the current ratio.

    “The problem is how much debt to have. How much debt is needed if China wants to be a stable and stable country in the 21st century. I believe more private sector growth is necessary than is needed now and I think we have 더킹카지노much longer to go on, much lower debt levels than what we have today,” Mr. Xi said.

    China’s government has been increasingly pressing private investors to come and do more construction for the country. Mr. Xi said this is a more important goal because of its long-term implications and the potential risks involved. He pointed out that China’s population today is over 200 million. There is about 70 percent of China’s potential market and investment. “We should not make mistakes on the way to the potential market and the future,” he said. He also emphasized that the government was pursuing a policy of reducing the debt to GDP ratio, a reduction in foreign exchange reserves, and a gradual increase in the investment of the private sector and in the public sector.

    He also said there are now a lot of private equity firms in the country, and that has to be part of a solution to the future problem of debt and to the need for reform.

    The Chinese foreign minister said that China has already lowered the ratio to 3 percent in several economic indicators, while the government plans to bring it to 2 percent.

    But when pressed about whether the rate should remain higher, Mr. Xi said, “A 3 percent debt level is not too much of a problem우리카지노. For example, we must look at how many people are currently working in China, and how we plan on ensuring that we continue to be able to attract and keep talented people in China.”

    Mr. Xi said that the public debt must remain low, which “should be a reality of this era of growth, as we also cannot pay back all our outstanding debts. So when you talk about the debt to GDP ratio, you really have to look at how much deb

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