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    Earls lawyer still waiting on nrl investigation

    ‘I am a child rapist’: What the media missed

    Bond for Earl has been set at £100,000 – £50,000 with HMRC already on to help cover his defence costs

    Earls defence had also called for a £1 million public interest bond

    He faces 10 years imprisonment if convicted on all counts – although he could be out of jail at least 18 months

    Bond for Earl has been set at £100,000 – £50,000 with HMRC already on to help cover his defence costs.

    Ear더킹카지노ls lawyer Robert McAlister, who has been the Government’s expert witness, called for a £1 million public interest bond in the case against him.

    Mr McAlister told the High Court that he understood it was “inevitable” that the Crown Court judge will have to consider whether bail should be granted.

    He told the court: “My legal advice to the court is that the bail will be given to her. It is necessary to give some thought to that and I understand that there may be some considerations for the bail order to be restricted.”

    Prosecutor Nick Jones said: “It is the Crown’s view that at this s바카라사이트tage of his trial, Mr Earl is a likely prospect of the defendant being tried to face a charge of sexual activity with a child under the age of 16.”

    ‘Passionate’ defence lawyer says no evidence against Earl

    Mr McAlister’s barrister Alan MacLennan said: “My understanding is that there is some very strong evidence of a very significant sexual assault in this case – evidence which, by any definition, would have had the potential to make an adverse impact on the Crown’s case in court.”

    Mr McAlister went on: “I can tell you that it is the intention of Mr Earl and his family in this case to have this trial fought to the last possible degree.

    “My legal advice to the court is that the bail will be given to her. I can tell you that she will not be put on bail unless a full and reasonable prospect of conviction can be made in the end.”

    Sentencing, Judge Francis King said Earl had sh바카라사이트own “remarkable courage and commitment” as a defence witness.

    He said: “In the context of these allegations against you, it would seem that the conduct, including the alleged acts, should have been regarded as extremely serious, the impact very serious and th

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